Monday, August 22, 2011

devastated n full of sadness..=(((

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....='(...hurm..yesterday buka pose ngn dia kn..we talked about a lot of things la..but the most yg menusuk kalbu is wen dia started talking bout his frens nye opinion n thoughts la kn..they said to him..choose wisely..pikir dlm2 regarding bout his rship wit me..drg leh ckp im still young n takot t jd bende yg sme ..n xnk my bf ni kecewa they tot dat im 21 n i xleh nk hav the same tots cm if im not dat mature enuff..but drg xleh bce ape aku pikir n they cannot c dat my heart pumping laju mne kt dlm they cannot juz simply giving thoughts cmtu...if only they knew i ni mcne..even im 21 pon my thoughts doesnt seems to agree wit my age la kn...drg silap not like his ex ..nutin like her at all...! for those yg btol2 bond to a rship sje yg layak comment..bcoz spe yg x tu..they wouldnt know..hurmmmm...sedihhh....tau x...then bile dia dh cte mctu...i started having this feeling n thoughts yg i ni xsesuai ngn dia...n dat i shud back off...='(...perhaps ape yg member2 dia ckp tu not mature enuff for him.....=(..but drg cm xde trust plak kt aku ni kn..if only i could read HIS mind rite least rse la lega ckit...drpd diam mcni..then sumhow sebenarnye dia xhappy pon....maybe i shud juz ask him satu smlm dia pon ade cte psl this guy his ofis mate jgk gak la kn ckp kt dia suh find a gurl yg ade carrier successful jgk la COMPARED TO ME ..mmg xsuccessful pon...i sedar diri ok..!!!..dia leh lak ckp kt my bf tu suh cri pempoan yg berkerjaya jgn cir yg keje xtentu cm under contract employees a.k.a cm i! terase ok..but i juz diam jela bile dia cte...although i know dia xmaksud pape pon nk bg i terase..dia bengang jgk la ngn mamat ofis mate dia snot all about money tau sabout feelings...u ade duit berjuta pon dlm bank u tu...doesnt promise u happiness jgk wats da point??? i seek for bole cri bak kata my mum la kn..which is true la kn...but happiness nk cri celah mne??  sum ppl sennag je ckp bcoz drg xtau ape erti happiness act...nk cir org kaya la...berduit laa..hensem la hot xtau yg all of dat thing is juz a mask to cover up hati u yg busuk tu...xske la org yg memilih ni...criuz sumpah xske...juz bcoz org cm i unfortunate to gain ksenangan hidup doesnt mean i dont deserve a little bit of happiness in my sume org memilih nk yg kaye je n ber kerjaye....cmne plak? hati tu penting bkn duit semata2...blaja la tinggi 44 tingkat pon n kaye la cmne pon...if u xde budi xde adab ..xde spe pandg...ha bile dh kuar statement mctu lg la aku rse cm down to earth gile..bcoz aku bru nk idup nru keje..mne ade ape la aku ni org ssh...kadang mkn pon xcukup...but i dont mind...xminx sedekah kt org pon  xkcu periuk nsi org pon...i can still survive to isi perut my family...even if im on my own pon...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I love u like a love song babeh!!!! =p

haaaaa...soooo..nmpk x?? =) cite dia lawak tau..juz bru kenal this cm dh lme kenal...lps 6 bulan aku keje kt MSB tu bru act get to know him...interesting..we hav lots of plans together..mcm2 la nk buat..hes nice..sweet...damn caring gilee...n ade sense of humour laa...he knows how to make me laugh....=D which is gud!! puuurrrfect act!! haha...(miang) angau ke ape ntah...dh lme berhabuk blog ni xbukak..
tba2 update....ceng2 sumtin new..a new begining of my my lif ela kn...hopefully it turns out the way i tot it would be in the future...klu dgn dia ni..xpenah bosan fact im happyyyyyy bile dgn diaaaa....ade satu feeling yg xleh nk di ucap kn laa kn..haha korang phm la kn..phm2 kn jelaa...n dia ni xgarang n sgt PENYABAR...mcm i ni baran temper...always not in the mood..but since dia ni not dat girl anymore..i rebound sumhow ...i feel most importantly PEACE....haaa...xpe...since we hav a long way to go...we still hav things to honest...dont cheat...appreaciate wats in front  of u...I love u n will accept u for who u r n as well as ur family...=)))...i will always be there 4 u....xoxo....(Never regret in making choices..)...Once again love is in the air.......

"Falling in love is the call of our sex but the object is instinctually chosen according to our ideals, dreams and etc although we may not realize it. We usually fall in love with the appearance of the person, with the way he/she walks, the way he/she talks. Sometimes we impute to our object of love some illusional, ideal qualities and the more we get to know that that person the less we fall for him or her. That’s when the feeling disappears eve faster than it appeared.

The more two persons get to know each other, the more comfortable they get the less sharp, bright and exciting the feeling gets. Some couples continue their relationships and get married in the end some fall apart. It’s reasonable to say that a second pair of slippers by the bed and one more toothbrush in the bathroom is the end of that crazy falling in love but it also can be the beginning of something more serious."

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