Thursday, November 10, 2011

This is a scenario which most women come across, sometime or other in their relationships a partner who is too busy - or appears to be so - to spend time with you. While this period of disinterest is most common once you are past the initial excitement of a relationship, there may be other causes too why a boyfriend seems to ignore you. Here are a few things to keep in mind when your boyfriend is unwilling to spend time with you.

Find mutual interests
The most benign kind of disinterest in a partner usually comes in the plateau phase of a relationship. This is the time when you both have crossed the period of sexual attraction and have more or less discovered all that there is to know about each other. The eagerness and curiosity about a mate which marks a budding relationship is thus no longer there. While you could not bear to be apart for even a couple of hours in the early days, now your boyfriend does not seem to mind even if you have not met for a whole day. The best way to remedy such a situation is to participate in hobbies and activities that both you and your boyfriend enjoy. Think about all the things that brought you together in the first place – it could have been a fascination for adventure sports or a love of early twentieth century American poetry. Find ways you can rediscover your enthusiasm for mutual interests. Get tickets to a game if you had met at a stadium or talk of going on a wine-tasting tour if you both enjoy fine wines. Participation in common hobbies will encourage your boyfriend to hang out more with you and eventually you may be able to rekindle the spark which had begun to burn low.

Make an effort to learn more about his interests
If your boyfriend seems to stay away from you on account of a hobby or interest that you do not share, try to find more about his likes. Many women complain about being neglected during the football season or over weekends when partners go golfing. You may not be particularly enthusiastic about your boyfriend’s favorite sport or his comedy-club nights, but there is no harm in making a little effort to know more about them. Try to learn a little more about golfing rules or the way Lebanese cuisine is prepared and you may even find yourself warming up to your partner’s hobbies. Even if you do not take to them personally, doing a bit of research on his interests will offer ways of getting him to talk to you. And in the end, no kind of knowledge goes to waste. You may be surprised how an anecdote about soccer legend Pele or deep-sea fishing statistics may impress your boss or a potential client at work.

Be pleasant when he is around you
Even if you cannot get your boyfriend to increase the time spent with you, let the time you are with each other be a nice experience for him. If you keep nagging at him for ignoring you or launch a barrage of questions on why he doesn’t hang out with you any more, your boyfriend will pull away even more. So try to be happy and pleasant when he is around. Smile a lot and hum a couple of favorite tunes. Once he realizes how much fun it is to be around you, he may start doing it pretty regularly.

Be independent
One of main reasons why men start ignoring their girlfriends is because they are put off by women who are needy and clingy. If you find that lately you have depending on your boyfriend for all your social interactions, then maybe you are driving him away by your neediness. So get back in touch with your girlfriends and make plans to go to a movie or hang out at a club with them. Apart from being relieved that you will not drag him to another boring museum or theatrical performance, your new independence may even pique his interest enough to know what you have been doing with your time.
Cultivate your own interests
It is a good idea to use the time away from your boyfriend to enhance your own personality. Sign up for a hobby or a short course which will not only fill up your empty evenings but help you to learn about new things too. In the process you will also be enlarging your own social circle so that you will no longer feel so lonely or miserable when your boyfriend makes excuses to avoid meeting up. The same goes for your physical appearance as well. If you have been neglecting your body recently, this is the perfect time to get that facial or manicure. Even if you do not like the idea of sprucing up yourself to attract his interest, think of it as a way to pamper yourself; if you feel good about yourself, others will feel the same about you too. Best of all, when your boyfriend meets you the next time, he will be quite surprised to discover a much-glowing personality and will surely want to spend more time in knowing the new you.

Examine your own attitude
If you have done your best to bring about positive changes and still find that your boyfriend ignores you, maybe it is time to examine your own attitude and actions. Perhaps you are overly critical of your boyfriend’s habits or expect him to conform to too high a standard. Such expectations on your part may be stressing out your boyfriend as a result of which he does not enjoy being around you. Also may be you are suffering from some kind of insecurity or inadequacy within yourself because of which you tend to put too much store by your partner’s company. All these negative vibes, however unintentional, may have caused your boyfriend to gradually pull away from you. If this is the case, you will need to overcome your inner impulses which are creating a field of repulsion. If you cannot resolve the issues on your own, discuss matters with a trusted friend or a counselor. Only when you are healthy and positive in your own self, will others be attracted to you.

Maybe he is cheating
When people begin to cheat, they naturally spend lesser time with their partners. However before you jump to this conclusion, see if your partner’s disinterest is accompanied by other symptoms of infidelity like unexplained absences, strange receipts and bills and surreptitious phone calls and cryptic messages. If this is so or your partner’s disinterest does not lessen despite your best efforts, the only way is to have a chat with him. Explain to him how you feel about the situation and how a lack of his company is making you feel neglected or abandoned. He may simply not be experienced in relationships or think that you are fine with how things are currently going. Alternatively he may be going through stressful issues of his own, perhaps related to job or his parents. If none of the above seem likely possibilities, ask him outright if he is seeing someone else. Knowing the truth will not make it easier for you to bear it, but it will surely signify a way out of the situation.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Endless Tioman fever . .=p

   olaaaa....i juz got back from tioman..we were having the teambuilding training in tioman. it was super fun! as expected everybody was sporting.we enjoyed ourselves...the most important part is "PMU stay UNITED" ...from the trip..we have created a new bond between us..we get to know each other even better..coorperation, teamwork n lots more..!!  the beach was so clean n the water sooo clear.. 2nd day we already started wit the activities, we went for glass bottom boat! u can c the corals...NEMO!! hehe..turtles. huge sea cucumber...(this one is for ppl yg x snorkel laa)

   Total of 27 staff participated. The food was great! mmg best gileeee...i played beach volleyball (xpenah maen 1st timer) which i suck eventually..and then pingpong plak! adoi..even worst!! haha..i never played before..n lg satu kayaking! haaa that one pon never was my 1st time actually..kinda suck too but x seteruk ping pong laa...hahahah...=p

  If i were given another chance...i would definitely pegi tioman lg!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

put all the weight on me. . .

Aritu b4 masuk mesiniaga like a week b4 ...i suffered from a terrible depression yg sgt2 teruk ..depress tahap rse nk committ suicide..time tu klu duduk sorang2 mesti nanges..meleleh2...mcm kne rogol punye upset..padahal xde pape pon..depress smpi tahap toreh2 tgn..pecahkn brg..cermin..mengamuk..pastu ckp dgn my parents pon tengking2 asyik nk mara je..perasaan mara tu membuak2.. smpi kne gi jmpe doctor haaaa bru dpt pill anti depression ..bru ok ckit...then dh msk keje ha ok la plak...

but it doesnt ends there...rse stress keje lg teruk dri stress time stdy dulu..mmg klu bole nk turn back time mmg aku amek la dat chance..tau ape sbb stress gile? bkn sbb keje ke ape...the peers n environment ok je..sume ok..cume yg pressure nk mati is..u know dat u hav started working n u earn money..n dat money u hav to use not 4 urself but to support ur family...fhm x? nk pendek kn cte sume bende nk harapkn aku laa...which aku rse cm unfair laa..i diploma holder je..bru grad plak tu ..gaji ciput je..lane la gaji aku rm7 8 ribu..tu different story..

Dh tu my dad plak xkeje..i understand dia dh tua .he is 61 this year..but if only he knew how much i suffered skrg ni..then dia akn hav a thought to help me as well..i cant do this alone..aku ade like dua beradik je aku sulung adik pon hd kawin..of coz dia lebih kepada his own family thw wife n kids..abis spe nk jge parents aku..?? aku la kn bkn mslh mslh where is ur responsibility n ur concern as a daughter n a son to ur parents..and wat is ur priority?? of coz la i akn ckp my family..mmg nmpk aku cm happy gileee senyum jee..dlm hati ni remuk xtau..knowing dat at my age now...i hav alot of commitments...padahal org2 yg umur cm aku ni dok sibuk having fun kt luar...lepak shopping sne cni..duit mak bpk bg...aku mne adeeeee..sume aku buat sndiri...aku nk beli brg2 aku..bju aku..handbag bru ke ape nk mkn sedap2..mahal2..sume aku kne earn money sndiri..xleh minx kt parents aku..sbb drg mmg xde duit pon...

aku plak jenis xske minx duit kt parents knowing yg drg pon ssh..aku kne ade la limit dia...aku bru je keje..hutang je sokmo...tiap2 bulan gaji aku ni mesti ade nk byr hutang la ape laa..aku tiap2 bulan bg bpk aku duit...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Terlanjur cinta. . .

waktu bergulir lambat
merantai langkah perjalanan kita
berjuta cerita terukir dalam
menjadi sebuah dilema
mengertikah engkau
perasaanku tak terhapuskan

malam menangis
tetes embun membasahi mata hatiku
mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
cinta yang tlah rapuh

apa yang ku genggam
tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
dan tlah kuberikan seluruh hatiku
tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan cintaku

aku pun tak mengerti yang terjadi
apa salah dan kurang ku padamu
kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
karna sekali cinta, aku tetap cinta

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Big fight...! always cry like theres no ending to it..dh mcm me n tears are buddies..!! meleleh je..dh rosak kot kilang airmata ni..buta lme siot! anyhow..smlm gado ngn dia...sedih gile..padahal its a small matter je act..sumhow it got exaggerated dgn i yg keras kepale cold hearted..xnk dgr ckp..yea i can be defensive sumtimes..juz bcoz i xnk org pijak pale i ok tu je..bcoz dh penah kne..even lg teruk ok..i hav this habit yg susah nk buang tau.. EGOOOOOOOOOO..!!!!!ape lg...hurm..i cant accept teguran..i know its a gud thing 4 me..yela maybe i xexplore abis dunia ni so i wouldnt know..maybe i would act differently if im but now age of rebel! sume nk rebel!! tol?cm bdk2 cmtu la...

So he must understanding wat am i goin through .wat i hav to face...n who i was b4 i met him..he is like damn matured..sume btol bg dia..which i think its fair la klu dia ade dat kind of mentality..bcoz hes older! experienced sum more kn..i yg lebih2 nk cte psl smlm merengek2 nanges dlm ujan ..heee..kne tinggal huhu!!! but dia patah blik la kn..which makes my ego turun ckit la..klu dia xpth blik xtau la ape jd is beyond reasonable doubt!! (msk law la plak)...klu dh dia patah blik meaning he loves me la rite? i dont wanna lose him pon actually..juz ego lebih2..i ni ske kne pujuk n dimanje2...=) bile x dipujuk tu..tu yg jd cm sawan tu..sakit jiwa!! well dia bkn jenis pujuk in fact ego dia lg2 tinggi! penuh kesabaran gado ngn dia tau..yg best nye aku ye2 la nk jln kaki from ofis..xnk dia anta kn..dia ckp naek org anta kn..aku ckp lg xnk pastu dia jwb senang je ha jln la up to u...hahahaah ha membara i jenis mara sekejap je..

xske ok gado cmtu..criuz xske..hati sakit xdpt ape he did apologised n i pon sme..n promised dat it will not happen again..hopefully la kn..masing2 ade commitment n prob sndiri..bende2 kecik cmni xpatut simpan la kn..buang kn je..xpatut mara yg bgs least dgn ade arguments cmni..helps us to get to know each other better..the other side of dat person n the bonding tu lebih kuat laa...tol x? correct me if im these r the things dat we as a couple shud ponder order to make this rship works we hav to get rid of our egos...xleh dua2 keras pale...huhu...cmtu la cte dia..pendek gmbr tu yg lebih2 heee sje nk cantek kn page..ye2 o je haha...!=p

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Selalu Mengalah

Jelaskan Padaku Isi Hatimu
Seberapa Besar Kau Yakin Padaku
Untuk Tetap Bisa Bertahan Denganku
Menjaga Cinta Ini
its  pouring fast!!!!!!
Pertengkaran Yang Terjadi
Seperti Semua Salahku
Mengapa Selalu Aku Yang Mengalah
Tak Pernahkah Kau Berfikir
Sedikit Tentang Hatiku
Mengapa Ku Yang Harus Selalu Mengalah
Pantaskah Hatiku Masih Bisa Bersamamu

Jelaskan Padaku Isi Hatimu
Seberapa Besar Kau Yakin Padaku
Untuk Tetap Bisa Bertahan Denganku
Menjaga Cinta Ini
Mengapa Selalu Aku Yang Mengalah
Tak Pernahkah Kau Berfikir
Sedikit Tentang Hatiku
Mengapa Ku Yang Harus Selalu Mengalah
Pantaskah Hatiku Masih Bisa Bersamamu

Monday, August 22, 2011

devastated n full of sadness..=(((

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....='(...hurm..yesterday buka pose ngn dia kn..we talked about a lot of things la..but the most yg menusuk kalbu is wen dia started talking bout his frens nye opinion n thoughts la kn..they said to him..choose wisely..pikir dlm2 regarding bout his rship wit me..drg leh ckp im still young n takot t jd bende yg sme ..n xnk my bf ni kecewa they tot dat im 21 n i xleh nk hav the same tots cm if im not dat mature enuff..but drg xleh bce ape aku pikir n they cannot c dat my heart pumping laju mne kt dlm they cannot juz simply giving thoughts cmtu...if only they knew i ni mcne..even im 21 pon my thoughts doesnt seems to agree wit my age la kn...drg silap not like his ex ..nutin like her at all...! for those yg btol2 bond to a rship sje yg layak comment..bcoz spe yg x tu..they wouldnt know..hurmmmm...sedihhh....tau x...then bile dia dh cte mctu...i started having this feeling n thoughts yg i ni xsesuai ngn dia...n dat i shud back off...='(...perhaps ape yg member2 dia ckp tu not mature enuff for him.....=(..but drg cm xde trust plak kt aku ni kn..if only i could read HIS mind rite least rse la lega ckit...drpd diam mcni..then sumhow sebenarnye dia xhappy pon....maybe i shud juz ask him satu smlm dia pon ade cte psl this guy his ofis mate jgk gak la kn ckp kt dia suh find a gurl yg ade carrier successful jgk la COMPARED TO ME ..mmg xsuccessful pon...i sedar diri ok..!!!..dia leh lak ckp kt my bf tu suh cri pempoan yg berkerjaya jgn cir yg keje xtentu cm under contract employees a.k.a cm i! terase ok..but i juz diam jela bile dia cte...although i know dia xmaksud pape pon nk bg i terase..dia bengang jgk la ngn mamat ofis mate dia snot all about money tau sabout feelings...u ade duit berjuta pon dlm bank u tu...doesnt promise u happiness jgk wats da point??? i seek for bole cri bak kata my mum la kn..which is true la kn...but happiness nk cri celah mne??  sum ppl sennag je ckp bcoz drg xtau ape erti happiness act...nk cir org kaya la...berduit laa..hensem la hot xtau yg all of dat thing is juz a mask to cover up hati u yg busuk tu...xske la org yg memilih ni...criuz sumpah xske...juz bcoz org cm i unfortunate to gain ksenangan hidup doesnt mean i dont deserve a little bit of happiness in my sume org memilih nk yg kaye je n ber kerjaye....cmne plak? hati tu penting bkn duit semata2...blaja la tinggi 44 tingkat pon n kaye la cmne pon...if u xde budi xde adab ..xde spe pandg...ha bile dh kuar statement mctu lg la aku rse cm down to earth gile..bcoz aku bru nk idup nru keje..mne ade ape la aku ni org ssh...kadang mkn pon xcukup...but i dont mind...xminx sedekah kt org pon  xkcu periuk nsi org pon...i can still survive to isi perut my family...even if im on my own pon...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I love u like a love song babeh!!!! =p

haaaaa...soooo..nmpk x?? =) cite dia lawak tau..juz bru kenal this cm dh lme kenal...lps 6 bulan aku keje kt MSB tu bru act get to know him...interesting..we hav lots of plans together..mcm2 la nk buat..hes nice..sweet...damn caring gilee...n ade sense of humour laa...he knows how to make me laugh....=D which is gud!! puuurrrfect act!! haha...(miang) angau ke ape ntah...dh lme berhabuk blog ni xbukak..
tba2 update....ceng2 sumtin new..a new begining of my my lif ela kn...hopefully it turns out the way i tot it would be in the future...klu dgn dia ni..xpenah bosan fact im happyyyyyy bile dgn diaaaa....ade satu feeling yg xleh nk di ucap kn laa kn..haha korang phm la kn..phm2 kn jelaa...n dia ni xgarang n sgt PENYABAR...mcm i ni baran temper...always not in the mood..but since dia ni not dat girl anymore..i rebound sumhow ...i feel most importantly PEACE....haaa...xpe...since we hav a long way to go...we still hav things to honest...dont cheat...appreaciate wats in front  of u...I love u n will accept u for who u r n as well as ur family...=)))...i will always be there 4 u....xoxo....(Never regret in making choices..)...Once again love is in the air.......

"Falling in love is the call of our sex but the object is instinctually chosen according to our ideals, dreams and etc although we may not realize it. We usually fall in love with the appearance of the person, with the way he/she walks, the way he/she talks. Sometimes we impute to our object of love some illusional, ideal qualities and the more we get to know that that person the less we fall for him or her. That’s when the feeling disappears eve faster than it appeared.

The more two persons get to know each other, the more comfortable they get the less sharp, bright and exciting the feeling gets. Some couples continue their relationships and get married in the end some fall apart. It’s reasonable to say that a second pair of slippers by the bed and one more toothbrush in the bathroom is the end of that crazy falling in love but it also can be the beginning of something more serious."

Friday, April 1, 2011

ain and fika have left me alone huhu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so saaaaaaaaaaaad....from left is fika, kak su and ain...fika and ain juz finished their practical..both of them are from unisel..ain post to HR dept whereas fika is in IS dept...minggu last drg tu..we went out watched movies and they went for karoke..hahah..3 ari berturut2 tgk wyg..PSHYCHO! blik keje je terus gi tgk movie rmi2..wlupon i da tgk cte tu..i willingly watch it again heee..(maklum la kaki wyg)! going to miss them lots! tomorrow im going out to celebrate my bestfreinds bday..i ordered cupcakes for her..NICE!! cute gile....! hope it will give a great surprise to her!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

life is about enjoying ...every milli second of it...heheh...feeling so getting used with dis working life thingy..i just being lucky to hav da best dept n best peers!! wlupon asyik bz je..huhu but im having fun act..really i fact smlm bru je kuar karoke wit my peers hahah...sporting gile akak2 ni..jiwa muda..!!melalak kteorg haha..kt neway..paling best..
patut nye keje kn..kteorg amek half day leave...!! hahah..our bos approved our gile..hee..

Saturday, February 19, 2011

with my precious gems...

love u guys.....thanx 4 always be by my side...smlm kuar ngn drg ni...asyik gelak je...smpi nk pecah perut guling2 hahhaahahah!!! sumpah funny...yg xleh bla si aida ni la..she wanted to call her love..but then she went n dialed my no instead then i was like 'woi asal ko call aku pussy!' indra da pecah perut gelak tgk haida..hahahah...wit her "i dont know wats goin on kinda look' ...while waiting for them, mse tu kul 10.30 am..i went there early bcoz i want to watch 'no strings attached' at 11 i waited for da cinema to open n wait 4 my gems to while waiting i went to hav my breakfast at Teh Tarik place..then suddenly wen i tgh mkn..da cinema then open la plak..hahah..ape lg aku tinggal kn makanan tu kejap aku gi li tiket..aku ckp ngn server tu jgn angkat lg my food unfortunately..No strings attached were not avalable...huhu..damn sad!!! so end up we watched Mechanic..ok gak la...action movie...then after da movie...we went to restaurant almost similar to fullhouse...i treat them bcoz i juz received my first payment after 2 weeks keje at Mesiniaga..heeee....then we went shopping..i beli bju keje n slacks.n tshirts at padini..n SPENDER!!! heheeheh...comel kot spender aku tu.ade rambu2 la plak..byk lg nk cte ni....but i gtg ...nk gi pyramid wit my fren i'll be back to tell more...!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

my working life..

 huhu kinda bz lately..didnt hav a chance to update my blog..its almost 2 weeks now dat i hav worked at first i was like argh wat da hell...!!! i hav no i was like alienated like 4 a while..everybody was like doing their own business..they had their laughs with each saaaaaaaaaaad...but they r so warm  n friendly...but getting along wit them kinda well...i went bfast n lunch wit them almost everyday..but mostly they will talk bout projects n management..n stuff..which i dont hav any clue.they hav nicknames which they used for managers dat they dislike..hahaahahh..!! they refered it as a 'subject" hahaaha...i would juz go wit da flow...i hav stacks of reports, spreadsheets dat needed filling n to be recorded into da basically i hav to be extremely expert in using microsoft excel!!! at first i was struggling!! argh so damn susah..hav to construct a bla ..bla..bla..then i hav a lot of meetings!!! n i hav to always be up to date with newest i really need to read da newspaper every morning b4 i start my work..but sometimes i am too lazy to buy one..i would juz read it cost!! hehe..n..i also need to check my email everyday to know wats goin on in da office..any news regarding the organization they will juz email it....its kinda fun working wit elderly ppl..bcoz they hav a lot of experience in working n they r more matured...they would usual talks bout facts n educated things rather than talking craps..they r highly educated ppl..graduated from overseas i was like argh aku rse cm aku paling bodo kt ctu..but they r not arrogant..they r willingly to guide me..n sumtimes if i dont know bout certain things..i will give my dad a call...n ask him..u hav to hav da ethusiasm n effort to learn ..n be knowledgable...bcoz in da working mr mohan says..'its a real world..' do mistakes there..u will be laugh n look down by them..u need to be independent..scary ha?? tau im struggling to learn bout Project management..bcoz in a month or two..i need to assist my PM...she will be on maternity all da projects will be handed to my associate PM but she cant handle it on her im goin to give her a hand..but first she will train to meet wit clients n visiting the project sites...stressful ....but work is work..u dont perform then u wont progress....btol?? cuak2...hopefully i could cope wit it...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

work fever..!!

   first day- mula2 i enter into da work space..huhu..gabra sume ade..xleh tdo mlm siot mlm tu..hahaha=p..bcoz i dont know wats gonna happen first day..da thing dat i am most afraid of is dat i takot i cant perform da work ..bcoz i am a freshgrad...with no experience in working especially in office i went..i arrived there everyday at 8.15am..haha im da earliest employee kot..maklumla newbie kn hee..then i was accompanied by the project executive kak fairuz..she brought me 4 a tour around Mesiniga..went n meet people n introduce myself..segan kot!!! da la ade 12 floors xtinggi plak eh..da best part is dat im da youngest employee in my dept..!! yg laen r officially married ok!! n sume aged 30 plus!! siot jee...nk xnk..kne la mingle with them..they make old folks nye jokes n i pon cm gelak jela hahaha but sumtimes agk funny la..bkn sje2 je gelak...then even malay n malay drg speak english ok!! payah ni...btol2 formal..then tgh ari kul 12.30..i went 4 lunch with HR mistress!!! hehe ain...dgn manager dia sume..da best part drg ajk mkn kt luar ..ok la..i follow je..then stop kt secret recipe seyh!! ha mkn la aku kt ctu...redah je!!! then esok nye..ha i got a task to do..i had to help kak afnie associate project manager in key in all da Delivery order of routers into da system using EXCEL!! haha..terkial2 ha..naseb reti ckit2 ..then after lucnh(again mkn kt luar kt uncle lims with my colleuge ..) i got another task from project manager kak su..ha dis one agk pening bcoz need to file all da COA report in order according to number..ha X 700 helai la plak kn!! juling mata aku siot...ouh n they provide lappy IBM punye berat siot x cm lappy bese..dlm tu ade database sume mula2 xreti pki then kne rajin ty la klu nk tau.. n i pon ade fon sendiri at my table!! Direct line..hee..jgn gayut sudah ar! hehe..then arini..lg byk keje..dri pagi smpi ptg mgadap lap je..buat report lg..n paper work one stack ok..smpi tegang kot urat aku..huhu...klu bosan ha pe lg IM la ngn ain..gossip2..!! hahah..xde esok tempoh lg ari keje huhu...redah je..!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

4 god sake..hold urself 2gather!!!

depression makes u even skinnier?? or does it makes u even fatter??
i guess it works both ways!!

does these anti depression pills really helps??
relieve stress?? get rid of headaches?? i dont think so...

how bout slitting ur own wrist??
to show ur hatred towards urself or somebody?
does PAIN relieves ur depression??
i've got to stop slitting my wrist.='(   HELP ME...

Friday, February 4, 2011

got me hooked like apple pie..

cause i;m all about him him him him him
and his all bout me me me me me,
and we dont give a dang dang dang dang dang,
about nobody-e-e-e
had him shooting for me like a?
every guy was knock out,?
but not none of um had?
thats my thing
it's not enough to have boss
one day by starbucks,
i bumped into a guy rocking black chucks,
hes said excuse me beutiful..
i said aww chucks!
 then he asked for hey wanna grab lunch?


and i swear wat we have just is super cool,
the way his always in my head like a bluetooth,
i got a text from him he said just come through
told me he wants to kick it kung fu,
dont do nutin much at all
just me n his boys watching football
he asked for a kiss so i gave him two
he said why thank u baby
i said ur welcome boo..=)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

desperately need counselling...

its been almost 2 weeks im having this so called mood disorder...=( hate it!!! perasaan mara tu membuak2..sentiasa rse xpuas ati..hmm..symptoms2 of mood disorder or bipolar disease is loss of appetite n at times terover having difficulties to sleep ..da bpe ari xleh tdo mlm..mata da bengkak..n always think bout death xabis2..bile xleh tdo..pale mula sakit..n bile da sakit pale..time mkn pon mixed up!!!! kadang xmkn..kadang skali je mkn..then dtg la angin satan...where im always in mood of anger..usually my dad, my stepdad n my mum yg kne mara..but da thing is drg xwat slh pape..they juz love to ask questions..n suddenly i naek angin gile babi!! smpi hempas2 pintu n yelling at them..mcm contoh drg ajk mkn..skali panggil cukup la!! xyah byk not death or stupid!! nmpk x..bende cmtu pon i da naek angin xtentu psl..huhu...especially my dad..i slalu mara dia..smpi dia touching n jarang call da..hmm..i dont know wats up with me..but i sure hate this mood swings..!! i hardly laugh..cant think straight..=(...depressed gile mcm ni.....really need to seat for mentally ill..=( if xtreat dis disease..akn melarat even worst...which leads to suicide..

Monday, January 31, 2011

nothing is impossible..=)

i juz came back from picking up da offer letter at my office heheheh poyo je. yg xleh bla kn i wore flip flops yg da hampir2 nazak da..huhu...sume pandang kot! adush!! shit gile..malu siot..hahahah..da la formal gile kt sne..everytime i steps into dat office jantung aku mesti xlyk je ade kt ctu pon ade..seram sejuk gua!! nk muntah tercirit pon ade..fuuhh....da best part is...wen i took dat offer later da HR manager said dat i got a raise hehehe..!! rm1400 la plak..a ritu rm1200..huhu..ntah la..redha je..dia ckp reason bcoz of my results..huhu...luckily la im still under probation 4 6 months...after 6 mths bru jd ape lg..need to work hard lorh!!!!!!!!!! cannot play2...t kne buang plak..naseb ade ain..=) ha she happens to be a fren of mira's..kwn skola..she is kinda friendly easy goin...n sweet...ade gak la member..kt ctu old folks bersepah...but ain is under HR dept...we r not in da same floor..huhu..but rehat same la heee..hmm..watever it glad..dat i got dat offer..itula first compnay yg i sent my resume by hand..n after struggling with da test n da interview...i finally got accepted..=)hardwork really pays off..
Happy Monday

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Friday, January 28, 2011

if he is meant for u then wats da worry bout..??

guys r juz guys k..they have their own ego which they think it is so damn powerful!! well think not da type of person who would fall 4 this shit..maybe i am a cold hearted person at times but 4 me to become dat way is bcoz i dont wanna get myself hurt 4 no reason..bcoz if i were to get will juz leave a bad scar dat will never fade wat i do best is too not follow my heart truly..yea mmg syg, cinta, dont wanna fight or argue..but if ur not satisfied, n u dont like to be told wat u can do n wat u cant do..then dont listen juz so u wanna jge ati dat person!! then ati u cmne?? juz bcoz u r so caught up in jge ati dia, u didnt care about ur own feelings ..which i think is freakin ridiculous..let me be frank ok..ade org yg pandai in studies..passes every subjects with flying colours but wen it cums to LOVE they can be very stupid.dont get offended ok u juz a reminder to u all..n im telling u da rite way to know wat love is all about. im da kind of gurl yg didnt care less..if u dont give a damn bout me..y da hell shud i care bout u?? if dat person x fhm i..n he cant seems to give space for me to live my own life then he is not da one for me..simple as dat..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

shopping time =)

thanx n alhamdulilah to him..i finally got da job at Mesiniaga berhad!! korang xtau aku melompat2 cm org gile..wen i got dat call!!! n best of all.i dont hav to go for a 2nd interview..!!! my post: PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR! da company is at subang jaya nearby my house huhu...well i dont really noe in details bout my job description really well..but wat i know it is under project mngmnt which is sooo cool!!!!! hehehehehe....!! i will be under probation for 6 months which is under a contract if my performance is good..i will be a permanent staff there n of course get a raise..!!!(mata duitan tol) salary xbyk pon..for starters i only get rm1200 permonth..its better than nutin kn?? im glad that im qualified enough for their is one of the most leading company in msia..n bkn senang nk dpt keje kt ctu ok?? im lucky dat i got a very soft hearted interviewer!! hahaha=p...anyway...its time to learn n gain more knowledge to step into da real world..!!!!

P/S: if ur interviewing sessions last long more than 15 me.theres a high chances to get hired ..=D

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Project Administrator??

hey2..i juz registered myself at applied almost 20 jobs hehe..=p im getting tired sitting at home doin waiting for my 2nd interview at mesiniaga (post: Project administrator under project management dept) the first interview i had da other day was like HOLY CRAP!!! damn susah gile IQ test dia ..I need to sit 4 2 IQ test n MATS!!! ARGH!! n guess wat??but luckily i manage to answer it..!! n the senior manager of project mngmnt said dat she was impressed wit my interview..hehe..hopefully i"ll get employed there =)..
imagine da interview was held for one hour n a half gile siot..!! berbelit2 lidah aku nk ckp org puteh hahahaha..!! da manager was kind..ckp pon lembut da 2nd interview nanti wiil be held by the top levels..pehh..criuz cuak ni..!! wish me luck guys..if i got da post ill treat u guys mkn MCD hehehehee....=p n for u guys yg otw nk gi interview remember google company tu bce ckit latar blkg dia n stuff..sbb dia akan ty!!!!! be prepared ok?? n most importantly keep eye contact wit the interviewer ok??mmg nervous tp best dpt pengalaman..=D

Aunty fer!!

welcum to da world lil one..!!! im an aunty finally!! haha..well a glamorous n sexy aunt i suppose hehe!!! dis lil fella is my niece n her name is Mia Dania Yasmin binti Dinie Afiq..she was born on 17th jan at 12.15pm..!! da one holding her is her mommy..Mardira but we juz call her Dira shes 22 yrs old older than my brother but it doesnt matter luv is blind!! anyway..yg xleh bla nye da baby looks exactly like my brother haha photostate abis...idung kemek..hehe but very fair la..coz her mommy pon puteh melepak kn..hee..hopefully by having dis newborn my bro (afiq) can change n lead a better life n most importantly be RESPONSIBLE!! hes a daddy now no more fooling around he needs to work hard so dat u can put food on da table 4 ur wife n kid..let bygones be bygones ok? Theres nutin u can change..we hav to learn from mistakes even though da mistakes can be costly but im sure there are reasons for all this..better things awaits ahead..dont worry my lil bro im always there 4 u if u ever need my help..=) i never regretted to hav u as my brother..u r my life ..i would die 4 u if i hav to..we were closed wen we r were kids..but now is different he already has his own family n commitments..even so u r still my flesh n blood..ohh n please tell them dont call me mak long ok aku xskeee..!! haha aku muda lg kot fullstop!! huhu call me Aunty fer heehehehe...=p semoga kekal ke anak cucu n make lots of babies!!! 
                                                  ferina n dinie junior!! hee...
                                                     gonna miz u lil bro...='(
                                                  wish u guys da best in ur life ..
                                                            jage Mia elok2!!
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